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What Are the Advantages of Electric Scooter for Boys?



Mar. 07, 2024
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What are the benefits of using an electric scooter?

  1. Safe, convenient, and easy to use

  2. Light and portable

  3. Relatively eco-friendly

  4. Low operating costs

  5. Easy repair and maintenance

  6. Perfect for short distances

  7. Can skip traffic jams

  8. Less noise pollution

  9. No need for permits or a license

  10. Mobility for those with health issues

Electric scooters are growing in popularity now more than ever — they’ve become the symbol of modern urban transport in cities like Chile, Seoul, Madrid, San Francisco, and more. This trend is solely due to the many benefits of using an electric scooter. However, there are still many people who remain unconvinced about these supposed advantages. If you consider yourself to be part of this category, read on and perhaps our list can change your mind!

Safe, Convenient, and Easy to Use

Every means of travel has some kind of risk attached to it. However, when you compare an electric scooter to other portable modes of transport (such as cycling, roller skating, and others) they come out as possibly the safest option. Additionally, they require little to no skill to operate — all you need is some balance! This is a convenient choice for those who want to travel without any fear of danger.

Some electric scooters come with added features for the user’s well-being. Simply Moving’s electric scooters in particular are designed to meet the needs of any rider. With LED ambient lights, slip-resistant baseboards, robust braking systems, and suspension, our Ninebot KickScooter by Segway ES2 ensures your ride will be safe and smooth every time.

Light and Portable

Electric scooters, despite their mechanical and electronic parts, are light and easy to fold up. This makes them portable so you can store them in your trunk or your home. Electric scooters can also be carried anywhere you can think of, and be quickly unfolded when needed.

Our KickScooters all use a one-step folding system, which is useful for those taking their electronic scooters to public transportation. With this mechanism, you can fold up our electric scooter in a matter of seconds, and bring it along with you on your journey.

Relatively Eco-Friendly

A list of advantages to owning an electric scooter is simply not complete without mentioning how eco-friendly they are. In this era of drastic climate change, many people are searching for ways to reduce their impact on the environment, including changing their modes of transport.

Electric scooters are one of the most eco-friendly options to date. Apart from zero emissions, electric scooters also run on low quantities of electricity. They are more efficient at moving commuters — they take only a fraction of the energy compared to a car or SUV. Moreover, technology for electric scooters has improved remarkably over the last two years, further improving their eco-friendliness.

Low Operating Costs

When it comes to operating costs, electric scooters come out on top. They are quite cheap to use when compared to other modes of transportation. All they need is some charge, and they can bring you quite a distance. Plus, they only need a small amount of electricity to run and can be quickly replenished at home or in a charging station. They are also much cheaper to use than taking public transportation. All in all, they are an affordable option for daily travel.

Easy Repair and Maintenance

Aside from cheaper operating costs, electric scooters are also much easier to service than other transport options. For example, a problem with your car will probably require an inspection, professional repair, replacement parts, and more.

But when it comes to an electric scooter, their design is relatively uncomplicated and is therefore much easier to repair and maintain. You only have a few parts of concern: the motor, the battery, the tires, and the controller, which rarely need repair or replacement. Many electric scooters even come with additional benefits, like the non-pneumatic tires of the KickScooter ES4, which completely prevents the issue of flat tires.

Perfect for Short Distances

While the range of electric scooters is rather limited compared to taking the train or the bus, they are perfect for users who need to frequently travel short distances. This could mean commuting to your office a few kilometers away or visiting your friends in another subdivision.

They are also easier to use for taking shortcuts and passing through areas that cars and other vehicles are not allowed on. For these short distances, electric scooters are much cheaper and quicker to use than other options, such as a tricycle.

Can Skip Traffic Jams

The motor and battery technology used in electric scooters allows the rider to cover several kilometers with little effort. Additionally, the scooter itself is compact, meaning riders can take advantage of cycle lanes, walkways, and other paths that are traffic-free. This is especially useful in areas like Metro Manila, whose roads are congested nearly daily.

Less Noise Pollution

Driving and silence rarely go hand in hand. Conventional methods of travel, like taking your car, a jeep, or a tricycle come with a substantial amount of noise pollution. This is especially true for older vehicle models, which can be incredibly loud. This noise pollution is considered a nuisance for many people. Thankfully, an electric scooter offers a much quieter mode of transport and can get you home quietly without disturbing anyone.

No Need for Permits or a License

Electric scooters have lower speeds than gas-powered scooters and bikes and are much easier to drive and maneuver. Thus, they do not require special licensing, permits, or other insurances to use. This is great for younger users who need a mode of transportation but are unable to apply for a license. However, there are a few laws every rider should still abide by while using an electric scooter. Ensure you comply with driving laws before going out on a ride.

Mobility for Those with Health Issues

Electric scooters also give increased mobility to individuals who suffer from various health issues. These conditions may make it difficult for them to walk, bike, drive or use other modes of transportation. In these cases, electric scooters provide the best replacement. This is because they require no peddling or frequent movement, which means users rarely get fatigued using it.

Additionally, an electric scooter also opens up other options for users. Most disabled people find it difficult to walk to public transport stations. However, with an electric scooter, they can travel and access these stations much easier.

Key Takeaway

The benefits of using an electric scooter make it one of the most usable options for commuters everywhere. They are safe, eco-friendly, and drive effortlessly — allowing even younger or disabled people to use them with ease. These benefits are why the electric scooter is so popular in urban use.

If you’re interested in finding out more about this transportation option, and how it can help you, check out Simply Moving’s extensive catalog of electric scooters — no matter what your transportation needs are, we have a scooter for everyone!


Meet Ben, your go-to scooter aficionado and in-house wordsmith at Rider Guide. With a genuine passion for two-wheelers (6 years of riding), he’s not just penning reviews but sharing firsthand experiences in an articulate narrative. You can catch him ripping through rocky trails on his Suzuki Vstrom 1000 or doing 45 miles an hour on his Dualtron Victor when he’s not busy at his writing desk, offering you the most unique and informed perspective on every scooter that rides the streets.

Beyond that, we’ll explore the performance parameters and critical dimensions and highlight key features to watch out for. Furthermore, we’ll share our top picks for the best electric scooters for kids currently on the market. And to round it off, we’ll offer valuable tips to ensure your child’s first ride is both safe and enjoyable.”

“In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the criteria for selecting the best electric scooter for kids. We’ll discuss the various components of an electric scooter and offer a brief explanation of their functionalities.

So, your kiddo has been dropping hints about wanting an electric scooter, huh? They’re all the rage these days, and we totally get the appeal. The allure isn’t just rooted in the thrill of riding; it also comes from the swag that comes from having their own set of wheels.

But here’s the thing: this isn’t just about giving in to the latest fad or trying to score some ‘cool parent’ points. It represents an opportunity to make your child’s playtime outside more fun and exciting, especially in an era where screens are the new playgrounds.

Every time they take that kid scooter out for a spin, they’re not only getting much-needed exercise but also developing sharper social skills through interactions with other kids on scooters. Moreover, the journey of mastering the art of balancing on a kid’s electric scooter fine-tunes their focus and coordination, shaping them into keen observers and learners who are more in tune with their surroundings.

It’s playtime, exercise, and life lessons all rolled into one.

But here’s probably where you hit the brakes…the electric scooters for kids market. It’s a jungle out there, especially with the array of brands and models clamoring for your attention. Everything looks shiny, everything promises the best ride, and everything seems… well, a bit much. Trust me, we’ve all been there, and it can indeed be overwhelming.

So, as much as you want to snag the first shiny kids electric scooter that winks at you from the shelf, don’t! Choosing the right electric scooter for your child necessitates thoughtful consideration, weighing various factors to secure safety, durability, and a fit that aligns with your child’s abilities and interests.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the considerations and assist you in making an informed decision, ensuring that the kids’ electric scooter you choose isn’t just a thrill to ride but also a safe and appropriate choice for your little one.

What to Look into Before Buying an Electric Scooter for Your Kid

Before you dive wallet-first into this, let’s break down some key considerations you really need to know:

Local Laws – Know 'Em, Love 'Em

First off, get the 411 on your local laws. We’re talking age limits, where you can ride, and even speed restrictions. Trust me, the rules for electric scooters can be as varied as the toppings on a pizza, and every place has its own set of rules concerning the operation of electric scooters, particularly by minors.

Some towns might give them the side-eye on sidewalks, while others might have a no-go on certain streets. A quick pit stop at your local city’s website or office should clear things up. It’s better to be in the know than to get caught in a legal tangle.

Is Your Kid Ready to Roll?

Start slow and steady.

Let’s get real: electric scooters for kids aren’t toys; they’re mini-machines. Before introducing horsepower to your kid’s playtime, it’s essential to gauge your child’s experience and level of maturity with two-wheelers. They might be better prepared for the electric upgrade if they have a history with bicycles, mini-bikes, or even manual kick scooters. If not, consider starting them off with a basic kick scooter to get the hang of balance and maneuvering.

Beyond Manufacturer’s Age Recommendations

Always heed the age limit suggested by the manufacturer. These guidelines are established after considering factors such as the scooter’s power, speed, balance, and the requisite safety features necessary for different age groups.

Certainly, it’s advisable to steer clear of adult electric scooters when shopping for kids, as their higher power levels can easily overwhelm a young rider, paving the path to potential accidents.

However, it’s just as crucial to ensure the scooter isn’t too “kiddie” for your child. Choosing a scooter that feels too much like a little kid’s toy could mean that your child outgrows it rapidly, making it less appealing over time. Therefore, focus on finding an electric scooter that not only matches your child’s age but also their maturity, skill level and personality.

For most kids, the electric scooter life starts around age 6, when they’ve got the motor skills and the noggin to handle it. Younger than that? Consider a kick scooter. It’s like training wheels for the electric world.

Generally, electric scooters fit well with children aged 8 and above, aligning with their developing motor skills and judgment capabilities. For the little ones under this age bracket, a kick scooter is a safer, simpler, and great way to get them used to the whole scooter vibe.  

Things to Consider When Buying an Electric Scooter for Kids

Here are some key factors to keep in mind before making that all-important purchase:

Child's Weight and Scooter Weight Limit: The Lowdown on the Load Down

Each electric scooter for kids comes with a specific rider weight capacity. This is the maximum weight the electric scooter can safely accommodate without compromising the integrity of the structure or hindering performance. Here are a few details to remember:

First things first, every kids’ electric scooter has its own rider weight capacity. And no, manufacturers aren’t just throwing darts at a board and picking a number. This is the max weight the scooter can safely carry without turning into a wobbly mess. Push beyond it, and you’re not just risking a performance drop; you’re playing with the electric scooter’s structural integrity. Imagine loading a backpack with more books than it can handle. Eventually, those zippers are going to give, seams split, and chaos ensues. Similarly, you don’t want your kid’s scooter struggling under excess weight, compromising safety and performance.

Here are a few details to remember:

Different Scooters, Different Limits

Kids’ electric scooters come in various designs, each constructed to support a specific range of weight capacities. While choosing the right kid scooter, select one that can comfortably accommodate your child’s current weight, with a bit of room to spare for a backpack or growth spurts

It's All About Balance

Selecting the right electric scooter for kids also involves considering its weight. Typically, electric scooters with higher weight limits are a bit heavier, making them somewhat challenging to handle, especially for younger kids. But let’s face it, parents usually opt to purchase an electric scooter that their children can grow into to get more bang for their buck. There’s a downside to it–this could result in a kids scooter that’s too hefty for them to maneuver comfortably or carry around at present. Your child’s going to be wrestling with it more than riding it.

Therefore, think carefully about the present alongside the future. Finding an electric scooter for kids that maintains a harmonious balance between weight limit and easy manageability is vital. After all, the ultimate goal is to ensure a delightful and fun-filled scooting experience for your little one without making it a strenuous affair.

The 25 lbs Rule of Thumb

Most kids find it comfortable to maneuver electric scooters weighing less than 25 lbs. Anything more, and they might as well be training for a weightlifting competition. Keep it light, keep it fun!

Average Weight Limit

Just to give you a general idea, most electric scooters for kids can support a weight limit that falls between 120 and 150 lbs. This range is quite inclusive, accommodating different ages and sizes, ensuring a suitable option for almost every growing child.

Maximum Speed

When it comes to kids and speed, a cautious approach is best. We’ve got to dial it back a notch and think safety. Here’s what you should think about:

Kids + High Speed = A Recipe for Mayhem

Look, kids are like mini speed junkies. Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile—especially when it comes to throttling up on an electric scooter. They’re still learning the ropes, and their judgment when it comes to speed isn’t always top-notch. So, if their electric scooter can hit ludicrous speeds, you bet they’re going to try it. And that, my friends, is a one-way ticket to Oops-ville.

The 10 mph Sweet Spot

Here’s where the magic happens. Aim for a kids electric scooter that maxes out at around 10 mph. It’s like the “Just Right” zone—not too slow to be boring, but not too fast to be a safety hazard. As your kid gets older and racks up some scooter miles, you might consider bumping up to a kids electric scooter that can hit 15 mph, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Dialing Down the Need for Speed

Erring on the side of caution is always best. Opt for kid electric scooters with adjustable speed modes, allowing you to set a maximum speed limit based on your child’s experience. Beginners might benefit from a capped speed of 5-6 mph, which can be gradually increased as they hone their skills. Some Segway electric scooters for kids, such as the Zing E10, offer built-in speed modes, including Safe Mode, Cruise Mode, and Turbo Mode, to help manage speed levels appropriately.

The AnyHill UM-3 is another notable electric scooter for kids that provides three distinct riding modes.

Motor Power: The Heartbeat of the Electric Scooter

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Think of the motor power as the heart of the electric scooter. It dictates how fast it goes, how quickly it accelerates (well, that and the controller), and whether it can tackle that menacing hill down the road. But let’s drop a truth bomb: kids don’t need a beastly motor. In fact, they don’t need a kid’s electric scooter that’s more powerful than a lawnmower. They need something that grows with them, matching their age, weight, and those budding riding skills.

The Power Spectrum:

Kids’ electric scooters come with a range of motor powers, from a humble 50 W all the way up to a zippy 250 W. The trick is to pick the right power for your young rider’s needs.

Younger or lighter kids? 100W motor might be all the power they need—just enough to get them moving. Older, heavier, or more experienced riders? They might find the 250 W motor more their speed and riding style.

Pro Tip Alert:

If your child weighs in at around 110 lbs or less, aim for an electric scooter for kids with a nominal motor power of about 150 W. It’s the perfect middle ground—enough oomph for a fun ride, but not so much that they’re leaving skid marks on the sidewalk.

Throttle and Safety Start Features

Let’s delve deeper:

Types of Throttle

Electric scooters for kids predominantly feature four types of throttle mechanisms: push button, twist throttle, thumb throttle, and deck sensors. Notably, deck sensors also serve a dual role as a safety feature, which we will discuss in detail in the safety feature section. Each of these has its own unique characteristics that cater to different levels of rider proficiency.

Push Button

This beginner-friendly option allows the child to operate the kid electric scooter by simply pushing a button to start and accelerate. It works on a simple on-and-off mechanism with no modulation of speed. Its straightforward operation means that pressing the button propels the electric scooter at a constant speed, gently, without any sudden jolts. Releasing the button disengages the motor.

Twist Throttle

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As the name suggests, the twist throttle operates similarly to a motorcycle throttle, functioning through a twistable grip. The farther you pull back on the throttle, the faster the electric scooter goes. This type of throttle offers a natural grip and allows for more nuanced control over the speed, which might be appreciated as the kid gains more experience. However, it should be noted that it could potentially interfere with brake operation.

Thumb Throttle

This mechanism involves a lever that is pushed by the thumb to control the speed. It provides linear control, giving a gentle introduction to speed modulation. The ergonomic hand position and design facilitate smooth acceleration, making it particularly suitable for young riders.

Trigger Throttle

Predominantly found in electric scooters for adults and high-performance scooters, this type of throttle is activated by pulling it back with your index finger.

Safety Start Features

The ideal electric scooter for kids should have safety start features that prevent abrupt movements/jerks during the scooter’s initial acceleration, ensuring that children remain balanced and secure during takeoff. Almost all manufacturers incorporate these features to enhance safety, keeping in mind the often impulsive nature of kids. Below, we discuss some critical safety features to consider:

Kick to Start: The Old-School Cool

Your kid has to kick off the ground to get the electric scooter moving, just like the good ol’ days of traditional kick scooters. Once the electric scooter attains a speed of approximately 1-3 mph, the motor can be engaged by pressing the throttle. This precautionary measure ensures that there is already a buildup of momentum, preventing the scooter from suddenly accelerating from a stationary position, which could catch the child off-guard and cause them to fall.

Deck Sensors

These are integrated into the scooter’s deck and work as a throttle and safety feature. In this setup, the deck houses two buttons: one at the front and one at the back. The scooter only moves if both buttons are pressed, meaning the child has to have both feet firmly on the deck to engage the motor. To stop the electric scooter, simply lift one foot off a button to disengage the motor, offering an intuitive way for kids to maintain control over their speed. The system operates based on an on-off mechanism, so the acceleration is consistent. Notably, almost all GOTRAX electric scooters for kids incorporate this safety feature. 

Build Quality and Design

Lets break down the nuts and bolts of what makes a kids electric scooter safe, sturdy, and kid-approved.

1. Material and Durability:

Kids have this uncanny ability to put their stuff through the wringer. So, when it comes to electric scooters for kids, durability is the name of the game. We’re talking reinforced plastics, steel, and the MVP of scooter materials, aluminum–lightweight yet tough as nails

Unfortunately, those flimsy, ‘lightweight’, thin plastics are not going to cut it. You want something that can withstand the occasional tumble and rough play.

2. Safety-Centric Designs:

Look for kid electric scooters with smooth, rounded edges that reduce the likelihood of injuries, steering clear of designs with sharp edges or protruding points that could cause harm. 

Additionally, your kid’s electric scooter should feature a streamlined, clean design, free from dangling wires that might tempt kids to pull on and potentially damage during use. So keep those wires tucked away; out of sight, out of mind.

And as for a gazillion buttons and displays? Save those for the space shuttle. Kids need minimal distractions and maximum focus on the road. Though, for the older kiddos, a simple display to keep tabs on speed and battery life can be a neat touch.

3. Form and Functionality:

Electric scooters usually come in two main types: seated and stand-on. Here’s a breakdown of both:

Seated Electric Scooters for Kids

 Ideal for children still learning to balance on two wheels. They offer additional stability, helping young riders develop balance and coordination skills. The seat also improves comfort, ensuring a pleasant ride, especially for longer durations.

Some seated electric scooters for kids on the market include the Razor E200S Seated Electric Scooter, the Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter, and the GOTRAX KS2 2-in-1 Foldable Kick Scooter with Removable Seat.

Stand-On Electric Scooters

These kids scooters dominate the market and promise a more interactive and agile riding experience. Their sleek and compact design simplifies storage, and they’re versatile and suitable for various activities.

Ultimately, the decision between a seated or stand-on scooter should be based on your child’s comfort needs and physical coordination levels.


Just like a car’s steering system, the handlebar is the key part used to steer the electric scooter. Therefore, the handlebar must align well with your child’s stature, facilitating impeccable control along with a comfortable and secure grip. Here are some important things to keep in mind when checking out the handlebar of a kid’s electric scooter.

Handlebar Height

Ideal Height: The ideal position of the handlebars should be around the waist area, preferably aligning with the belly button or just a few inches above it. This position facilitates easy control and maneuvering while maintaining an upright posture while riding, significantly reducing the likelihood of back strain.

Potential Risks: The Highs and Lows

Have the handlebars too high, and you’re setting up a potential collision course during those sudden stops—face and chest meet handlebar? Ouch! Too low, and your kid’s leaning forward like they’re in the Tour de France, which is a recipe for discomfort, increases the risk of tipping over the handlebars and a potential faceplant during quick halts

Manufacturer's Guidelines

Manufacturers typically offer recommended height ranges for each kid electric scooter derived from extensive research and testing. Refer to these guidelines, as they serve as a reliable reference point for selecting an electric scooter that aligns well with your child’s height and safety requirements.

Handlebar Adjustability–The Magic Wand

Kids grow faster than weeds in a garden. Young children undergo rapid growth spurts, and their physical stature can change noticeably within a short span. Considering an electric scooter for kids with adjustable handlebars can be a prudent choice to keep pace with their growth and avoid the need for frequent replacements.

Adjustable handlebars offer a customized riding experience, letting you raise or lower the handlebar’s height to match your child’s current stature. This means that as your child grows, the electric scooter can “grow” with them, maintaining an ideal handlebar height. 

It provides a dynamic solution, offering the child the freedom to adjust to a height they find most comfortable, effectively addressing the challenges of finding the perfect handlebar height.

However, as children transition to more powerful electric scooters (above 250 W), you’ll find that fixed handlebar layouts become a preferred choice due to their increased robustness, stability, and safety during high-speed rides.

Comfort and Grip

You want handlebars that feel like a firm handshake—comfortable and secure. Look for materials like rubber or thermoplastic rubber. They offer a solid grip, ensuring those little hands stay put. And make sure the handlebar feels rock solid, with zero wobble.

Test Drive–The Ultimate Litmus Test

The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the riding. Get your young ones to take their potential kids electric scooter for a spin. It’s the best way to gauge if the handlebar height and grip are just right. Plus, you can see how easily they can reach and operate all those buttons and lever(s) on the handlebars.


Arguably, the most vital feature for your child’s safety on an electric scooter is the braking system.

There are primarily two styles of brakes found on kids’ electric scooters – the foot brake and the hand brake.

The foot brake is engaged when a child uses their foot to exert pressure downward on the rear wheel fender, creating friction with the tire and thereby slowing the electric scooter down. This style of brake is generally quite intuitive for young riders to use.

In contrast, a hand brake operates similarly to a bicycle’s hand brake. Activated by squeezing a lever, it controls the regenerative, drum, or disc brakes.

For the utmost safety of your child, it is advisable to opt for a kids electric scooter that incorporates at least two types of braking systems in case one fails. It’s like having a backup parachute when you’re skydiving.

Most electric scooters for kids come with a basic stomp brake, which ideally pairs well with drum or regen brakes. Not only are these brakes efficient in stopping the scooter, but they also demand less maintenance than other options.


On the other hand, disc brakes are generally more powerful, but they feel a little overkill for kids’ electric scooters given that they don’t typically go very fast. They also need more maintenance checks and can be a bit aggressive for younger, inexperienced riders. That said, they present an excellent option for older kids and teens due to their stopping power. Don’t get us wrong, though–disc brakes make for one of the most reliable braking systems, so if you stumble upon a kids electric scooter outfitted with them, by all means, consider it.

Shifting the focus to the practical aspects of braking, experience has shown that mastering the use of both front and rear brakes is essential in achieving the shortest stopping distance, with a slight emphasis on front braking. However, directing the primary braking force towards the rear is often a safer choice for younger riders.

This strategy is vital as children tend to use the brakes abruptly, especially in panic situations. Having stronger brakes at the front can potentially destabilize the electric scooter, leading to a wheel lock and possibly resulting in the child being thrown off the scooter. Conversely, when a lock occurs on the rear wheel, controlling the resultant skid is generally easier and safer.

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Another small yet significant detail to consider is the brake lever’s distance. Ensure the lever is easily reachable for your child’s tiny hands, allowing them to operate the braking system without straining.

Explore our detailed article on electric scooter brakes for a deeper dive into braking.


The deck is a central component of the electric scooter, where your child stands. Its design needs to emphasize spaciousness to allow for a range of standing positions–either with legs side by side or one in front of the other, without feeling cramped.

Equally important is the grip and stability the deck offers. A good deck should practically glue those little feet in place. Materials like silicon, rubber, sandpaper, or that ever-reliable grip tape are absolute game changers. And if you’re eyeballing a deck that’s just shiny plastic with zero grip? Well, that’s a slip waiting to happen–hard pass.

Now, let’s get down to the ground level. A lower deck is like giving your child the balance of a cat. It makes the electric scooter more planted and stable, and gives the kids that extra shot of confidence. A lower deck allows children to easily reach the ground when stopping, offering a safer and more controlled experience. However, you don’t want it so low that it’s playing limbo with every tiny bump on the road.


Tire Material

When it comes to selecting the appropriate tires for an electric scooter for kids, always opt for rubber over plastic.Why? Simple. Superior grip, unbeatable traction, and a ride smoother than a buttered pancake. Plastic? Might as well be ice.

Solid Vs. Pneumatic

n terms of rubber tires, they generally come in two variants: solid or pneumatic. While pneumatic tires excel in comfort and handling, solid tires are the more practical choice for kids’ electric scooters, as they require less maintenance and are less prone to punctures.

When considering ride quality, it’s anticipated that children will primarily use the electric kids scooter on well-paved roads and smooth terrains, so solid tires should be perfectly adequate. However, if the electric  scooter will frequently traverse rough surfaces, opting for tubeless pneumatic tires would be advisable, owing to their superior shock absorption and ease of repair in the event of a puncture.

For a comprehensive insight into different electric scooter tire types feel free to explore our detailed blog.

Tire Size

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 As for the size of the tires, a 6-inch diameter typically suffices without unnecessarily elevating the deck clearance. As the child grows, you can consider upsizing the wheel for improved balance and easier navigation over obstacles.

Three-Wheeled Vs. Two-Wheeled

When it comes to electric scooter configurations, you can choose between two primary types: three-wheeled and two-wheeled electric sooter. For youngsters, particularly those around the ages of 4-5 years or those who are yet mastering the art of balancing, a 3 wheel electric scooter for kids stands as an excellent option. With two wheels at the front and one at the back, this configuration significantly reduces the chances of falling, offering a safer initiation into scooting. On the other hand, older kids can easily handle two-wheeled electric scooters, which offer a bit more challenge, excitement and align well with their advancing skills.


Choosing the best electric scooter for kids necessitates carefully evaluating the battery type, type of use, and charging time.

Battery Life and Runtime

Typically, a range of 5–15 miles or a runtime of 30–40 minutes is adequate for children. It’s somewhat challenging to find electric scooters for kids that go beyond a 15-mile range due to the inherent limitations in battery capacity. 

Determining the Required Range

The intended use of the kid’s electric scooter plays a significant role in determining the necessary range. Particularly if your child uses it to commute to school–provided it’s nearby and in a safe area– this aspect becomes vital to consider, as the last thing you would want is for your child to be stranded due to a depleted battery. This concern might not be as pressing for play dates, but it’s still important.

However, as a precaution, it is recommended that commutes be primarily undertaken by children approaching their teenage years, given their heightened awareness and understanding of road hazards and safety. To safeguard against unexpected halts and prevent your child from getting stranded, choose an electric scooter that can also function as a kick scooter when the power runs out

Battery Types: Acid vs. Lithium-Ion

We highly recommend opting for lithium-ion batteries right from the start. These batteries have a longer lifespan, quicker charging times, and are more energy-dense, efficient, and safer overall.

On the other hand, acid batteries, although somewhat outdated, are still commonly found in Razor electric scooters for kids, primarily because they are cheaper to produce. However, despite their affordability, they don’t quite match up to the benefits of lithium-ion batteries, which stand out as the superior choice for powering your kid’s electric scooter.

Charging Time

Given the relatively short operation time of kids’ electric scooters, finding a model with a brief charging time is beneficial. A charging period of 3–4 hours is ideal, allowing for minimal downtime. 

Portability and Space-Saving Features

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Portability stands as a significant feature when selecting a kids’ electric scooter, especially in terms of storage and travel convenience. A lightweight (less than 20 lbs) and foldable design would be ideal, as it can easily be transformed into a compact package. This not only facilitates hassle-free storage but also ensures that the child can manage lifting and transporting it with ease.

Such a design proves to be a boon when the electric scooter is not in use or when you are traveling with it, allowing for easy storage in car trunks or small spaces at home. Moreover, it encourages children to be more independent and responsible, as they can handle the scooter by themselves without any difficulty.

IP Rating

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By now, it’s no myth that moisture and electronics have a relationship somewhat reminiscent of cats and water. Yet, our young daredevils, with their insatiable thirst for fun, often tend to turn a blind eye to this cautionary tale.

Their playful escapades could involve riding through puddles, indulging in mud play, or even sprinkling their e-scooters with water out of curiosity. Given these scenarios, having a scooter with a commendable water-resistant IP rating is beneficial to shield against potential mishaps.

The IP rating, standing for Ingress Protection, signifies the level of protection the electric scooter’s components provide against the intrusion of elements such as dust and water. A scooter with a higher IP rating is inherently more resistant to these elements. Unfortunately, not many electric scooters for kids openly advertise their IP rating, leaving us in the dark about their actual resilience. Nonetheless, there are exceptions to this, such as the Ninebot eKickscooter ZING series, which proudly carries an IPX4 rating. This ensures a degree of protection against water splashes from all directions, which is quite reassuring.

Want to geek out even more on IP ratings, check out our blog.

Appearance and Lighting for Enhanced Visibility

When considering electric scooters for kids, lighting isn’t primarily about night riding – after all, it’s unlikely anyone would let their child ride in the dark. Instead, the emphasis on lighting is more about enhancing visibility and appearance during daytime rides.

Visibility with a Dash of Color

Choosing a kids electric scooter that stands out is essential, ensuring that your child remains visible to others while on the move. Nothing says “Hey, I’m here!” like a vibrant burst of color. The bonus? Many kids’ scooters already roll out in these bright shades. Just remember, while visibility is key, it’s equally vital that the hue gets a thumbs up from the kid.

LEDs: Adding Some Pizzazz and Purpose

Some kid electric scooters aren’t just settling for bright paints. They’re upping the ante with cool LED setups. Take the Gotrax electric scooter for kids, the GKS LUMIOS. Its front tire LED swag lights aren’t just for looking cool during playtime; they add a layer of daytime visibility. And let’s not forget the Ninebot C2 Pro – that scooter puts on quite the show with rhythmic RGB underdeck lights.

A Little Extra with Reflectors

If you’re the kind who believes in going the extra mile for safety, toss in some reflectors. Strategically place them to bounce light off the scooter from all sides, ensuring your child is visible from any angle.

Horn/Bell: More Than Just a Fun Ding

Incorporating a bell/horn on the kids’ electric scooter is a thoughtful feature. Sure, kids might love ringing it just for the joy of the sound but it also acts as a safety tool, allowing them to alert pedestrians or other riders of their approach, thus fostering safe and courteous riding habits from a young age.

Suspension: Can Live Without

While suspension might seem like a significant aspect to consider for electric scooters for adults, it’s more of a bonus for kids’ electric scooters. This is because most children stick to the friendlier terrains: your neighborhood sidewalks, driveways, or park paths. Smooth sailing, mostly. Hence, many manufacturers give the suspension a pass for their kid models.

But wait, before we put the topic to bed, there’s a bit more to it. As kids grow and their riding terrain and style gets as diverse as their music taste, a decent suspension starts making a comeback on the wish list. It’s about ironing out those bumps and keeping the ride smooth as they explore the world beyond the sidewalk.

And if you’re worried about shelling out big bucks, breathe easy. There are models like the Segway Ninebot Zing E12. It packs a decent 40mm front shock suspension, ensuring those rides are buttery smooth, all without burning a hole in your pocket. Not bad for around 300 bucks, right?


The Brand Tells a Tale

First things first, a warranty often mirrors a brand’s confidence in its product. It’s not just a promise; it’s a testament to the product’s build quality. Lean towards the industry stalwarts. Brands like Segway, Gotrax, Anyhill, Hiboy, and Razor didn’t just pop up overnight. They’ve been around the block, earned their stripes, and have a legacy of satisfied riders behind them. Opting for established names often translates to fewer headaches down the road.

Duration and Depth of Warranty

Typically, you’ll see warranties spanning from 6 months up to a year for kids’ electric scooters. But it’s not just about the duration; dive deeper into the details. A comprehensive warranty should ideally shield the core of your scooter—we’re talking battery, motor, controllers, and other pivotal components.

How to Choose the Right Electric Scooter for Your Child

In conclusion, choosing the best electric scooter for kids is not a one-size-fits-all decision. Instead, it’s a meticulous process that involves several rounds of elimination. To aid in this decision, here’s a structured, step-by-step guide:

First Round: It's All About the Kid

  • Kid’s Age, Maturity, and Experience:

    These elements will largely

    determine the electric scooter’s power and speed suitability.

    Choosing age-recommended models that align with your child’s skill level is best. If the child lacks experience with two-wheelers, starting them on a kick scooter or a less powerful electric scooter might be wise until they gain more confidence.

  • Physical Attributes

    : Keep your kid’s stature in mind to

    land a scooter that’s just their size

    , ensuring it’s within the right weight and height brackets.

Second Elimination Stage: Scooter's Features and Capabilities

After considering the rider’s needs, you can focus on the kids electric scooter. While it’s unlikely to find a scooter that ticks every box, aim for one that covers the essentials. Here’s a recap of the key features to consider:

Prioritize Safety

  • Braking System:

    Two is better than one. Go for

    dual braking systems

    that include foot and hand brakes (whether regen, disc, or drum).

  • Visibility

    : Let them shine bright – opt for

    vivid colors and all the sparkly lights

    and reflectors.

  • Beginner-Friendly Features

    : For most kids, a


    feature is crucial, 

  • Bells and horns:

    Essential for a friendly heads-up.

Ensure Comfort

  • Handlebar

    : Its height should match your child’s stature.

    Adjustable handlebars

    are beneficial as they can be tailored to your child’s comfort and growth.

  • Deck

    : Ensure it’s spacious enough for your child, featuring a grippy surface, whether made of grip tape or rubber.

  • Tires

    : Prioritize rubber tires over plastic

  • Grips

    : Ensure handle grips are both comfortable and provide a secure grip.

Evaluate Design & Build

  • Materials

    : Opt for durable materials like aluminum and steel with minimal breakable components.

  • Water Resistance

    : An IP rating ensures the kid’s scooter durability when exposed to water and dust.

  • Safety Design

    : Rounded surfaces and minimally exposed wires are safer for kids.

  • Cockpit Zen: Simplify. Fewer distractions equal safer rides.

Consider Range & Battery

  • Purpose

    : Determine if the electric scooter is for school commutes, leisure, or both. This will help decide the required range.

  • Charging & Battery Type

    : Opt for electric scooters for kids  with shorter charging times (around 4-5 hours) and favor lithium batteries over lead acid.


  • Speed Limit

    : A sub-15 mph speed with controlled max speed settings keeps things in check.

Weight & Portability

  • Manageability

    : The kids electric scooter should be light enough for the child to handle, ideally below 20 lbs.

  • Storage

    : Foldable designs are preferable for easy storage and transportation.

Brand Reliability

  • Reputation & Warranty

    : Stick to well-known brands with solid warranties.

Bonus Feature

  • Suspension

    : This provides a smoother ride on uneven terrain.

Our Recommendation for the Best Electric Scooters for Kids

Based on the factors we’ve outlined and our continuous research, we strongly recommend opting for well-known brands that have stood the test of time.

The following brands have distinguished themselves as reliable manufacturers of electric scooters for kids and teens:

Segway Electric Scooters for Kids

Why We Love It: Segway, a household name in personal transportation, offers models like the Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Zing E8 and Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Zing E10, which are particularly popular among young riders.

Explore Segway Fun Today

Razor Electric Scooters for Kids:

Why We Love It: A pioneer in the industry, Razor introduced many to the world of electric scooters for kids. Their models, such as the Razor E100 electric scooter for younger children and the Razor E300 electric scooter for older kids, have remained favorites over the years. One thing to bear in mind, Razor holds onto the lead-acid batteries and chain-driven motors, adding a bit of noise and maintenance to the ride.

You can also read up on the pros and cons of buying a Razor electric scooter on our blog.

Ride the Razor Today

GOTRAX Electric Scooter for Kids:

Why We Love It: GOTRAX is celebrated for its diverse lineup of budget-friendly electric scooters. Notable models for kids include the GoTrax GKS, GOTRAX G2 Plus, and the GoTrax Vibe.

Get Rolling with GOTRAX

Swagtron Electric Scooters for Kids

Why We Love It: Swagtron, a trusted name in the scooter domain, offers the Swagtron SK1 for younger children. The Swagtron Swagger 8 is a commendable choice for teens and young adults.

Join the Swagtron Movement

Anyhill Electric Scooter for Kids

Why We Love It: Anyhill rolls out the AnyHill UM-3 kids electric scooter, a perfect pick for the kiddos under 12. It’s like the mini-me to the AnyHill UM-1simple, charming, and light as a feather.

Discover the World on Anyhill

Additional Tips

Guidelines for a Safe First Ride on Your Child's Electric Scooter

Here are some crucial considerations for parents and guardians before their child embarks on their first ride with an electric scooter for kids:

Suit Up and Look the Part


  • Safety gear isn’t just about looking like a pro; it’s about ensuring that even if they do take a spill, they’re well protected. Starting from the top,

    a BMX-style helmet is crucial

    . It offers a solid

    blend of coverage and ventilation


  • Slide down a bit to those wrists, elbows, and knees. They need guarding too.

    Wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads

    are the trifecta of protection against those unexpected scrapes. And while you’re at it,

    throw on some gloves

    . Not only will they

    protect your hands, but they’ll also offer better grip


  • And a small but mighty detail–

    footwear. You need something sturdy that’ll grip the footboard

    –and flip flops or sandals just won’t cut it. A good pair of

    closed-toe sneakers or riding shoes

    will do wonders for  grip and protection.

Pre-Ride Scooter Inspection

  • Task:

    Before anything else, give the Kid’s electric scooter a thorough once-over.

  • Objective:

    Ensure that brakes, tires, battery, and all functional components are in tip-top shape. 

Terrain Selection:

  • Task:

    Seek out a flat, smooth, and car-free zone.

  • Objective:

    Allow your child to grasp the scooter’s dynamics without external hindrances.

Weather Forecasting:

  • Task:

    Check the day’s weather.

  • Objective:

    Ideal conditions rule out any weather-induced complications, be it slipperiness from rain or balance issues in strong winds.

Parental Vigilance

  • Task:

    Stay close and attentive.

  • Objective: Lend guidance, moral support, and step in if the situation looks dicey.

Ease Into Speed:

  • Task:

    Use adjustable speed controls.

  • Objective:

    If the scooter has adjustable speed settings, start on the lowest setting. This ensures your child gets accustomed to the scooter’s speed gradually.

Brake Drills:

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  • Task:

    Practice makes perfect.

  • Objective:

    Before the actual ride, let your child practice stopping the scooter effectively in a controlled environment.

Instill Riding Manners

  • Task:

    Etiquette isn’t just for the dining table.

  • Objective:

    Train them on pedestrian right-of-way, signaling for turns, and maintaining a consistent line while riding.

Plan for the Unexpected

  • Task:

    Prep your child for emergencies.

  • Objective:

    Ensure your child knows what to do in case of emergencies, and has a way to contact you or another trusted adult. Ensure your child has an emergency contact number memorized or written down and kept in a safe place, in case of any unforeseen situations.

Keep a Tab on the Juice:

  • Task:

    Battery level education.

  • Objective:

    : Educate your child about monitoring the scooter’s battery life, emphasizing the need to start heading back before the battery gets critically low.

The Buddy Blueprint:

  • Task:

    Propagate the buddy system.

  • Objective: Riding in pairs (each on their own scooter) increases safety via collective vigilance. But always emphasize: one scooter, one rider. Doubling up can seem like double the fun for the kids, but it’s a shortcut to double trouble

By taking these precautions and preparations seriously, parents can ensure that their child’s first experience with their electric scooter for kids is both safe and enjoyable.


What is the Recommended Age for a Child to Use an Electric Scooter?

The recommended age for a child to use an electric scooter typically starts at around 8 years old. However, it’s essential to note that age recommendations can vary based on the scooter’s design, speed, and features. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and consider the child’s maturity and physical abilities before deciding.

How Fast are Electric Scooters for Kids?

The speed of electric scooters for kids can vary based on the model and brand. Generally, electric scooters designed for younger children have a top speed ranging from 8 to 15 mph. Choosing a scooter with a speed appropriate for the child’s age, experience, and comfort level is crucial. Many scooters also come with adjustable speed settings for added safety.

Can Kids Ride Adult Electric Scooters?


While kids can technically ride adult electric scooters, it’s not recommended due to their size (larger frames and weight), higher speeds, power, and features suited for adult riders. Adult scooters are designed for adult capabilities and might be challenging for kids to handle safely. Always prioritize safety and choose age-appropriate scooters for children.

What Are the Advantages of Electric Scooter for Boys?

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Electric Scooter for Kids



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